Sunday, January 06, 2008

Goodbye 2007, Hello 2008

Over the break I haven't really kept up with internet, but seeing as the break is over and I have to find myself in a pattern of regularity in order to function at peak efficiency, (also, my recent visit of insomnia (hello, old friend!)), I was going through the old Google Reader and found a page of essays (linked by Enrico Casarosa) by several prominent figures about what they had changed their minds on in 2007. I've read through some of them, and I find them interesting and thought provoking.
I myself changed my mind on many things. From science to faith to art and beyond, 2007 has been a year full of revelations, epiphanies, decisions, and affections which leave me a completely different person than who I was a year ago. I don't have a good feeling about 2008, as I was telling Aaron, but I'm going to work twice as hard, because life won't live itself, and make the best of even the bad this year.
So I say a belated farewell to 2007, and as 2008 pick up into swing, you'll see my knuckles turn white as I make my way to 2008.

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