Thursday, July 14, 2005

The Last Couple of Weeks

It feels like I am nearing the close of yet another chapter in my life. New York will be the a small interlude in which important things might happen, but after New York is something totally new. I as of yet do not have a place to live before I move into the UNT dorms on Sunday, August 21st. I am not worried about it, however. There is that week and a half where I might be floating around. I need to move my things out of this house before New York. Also move myself out before New York.
One of the things I am most scared of concerning this trip is the flight there and back. I am terrified that if I die, I will not have finished things I started. I am not afraid of dying for my sake, but for the sake of people I love. This is my biggest fear.
On a lighter, sooner note, I will be going on a trip tonight to go float down the Caddo river. I love these get away times. Last time was El Paso, the week before that was camping, and this weekend it will be floating down a river in Arkansas. School is almost over for the summer. Just a few more class times. Almost there.
There is a lesson to be learned in everything. For me, the lesson I have learned lately is that I don't need tests to tell me what I should already know about myself. I was surprised at how accurate the test was, but I was more suprised what I knew those things about myself. I felt good knowing I knew myself. Do you?
I need to start packing... both for floating and to move out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

remember God is in control. He won't let you go before you're time. You have started many things Jehu and you're not going anywhere!